Plunk Home Valuation
Introducing — the first real-time home valuation and local market insights lead generation tool powered by AI.
Get started
Using home valuation as a lead generation tool has evolved.

Real-time valuation powered by AI
Plunk's home valuation provides an up-to-the-second estimated value for over 104 million homes nationwide.

No more complex forms
No need to fill out a form, just type in your address and the autocomplete will help you choose the right address.

Never miss a lead
Receive a text as soon as a lead enters their phone number and address so you can respond within seconds or manage your leads through a simple web-interface dashboard.

Real-time Market Insights™
Plunk's Widget sends a detailed report with statistics that includes information on price variation, price per sqft, median days on market, competing listings, and more.
Watch a quick video tutorial
We have few steps to set up this widget on your website, Watch this video to get all the step by step details on how this Plunk Home Valuation Widget will work.